Billy Purta

I assume you’re here because you want to know more about me, so here’s your crash course in BP101!

Currently, I am a father to two amazing daughters with a wife that’s just too darn good to be true. These three ladies are my everything!

Real estate has always been in the cards for me. I’ve bounced around many different careers since I was 16, ranging from construction, architecture, project management, photography, and quite a few others. Once I finally decided to get my RE license and jump into the business, life has been phenomenal!

I help both buyers and sellers. My negotiation skills and ability to work well with others puts us in a very strong position regardless of which side of the transaction we’re on. Representing buyers, it’s very common that we are not the strongest financially against other offers, but we still often ‘win’ due to other negotiation strategies and overall awesomeness.

For sellers, my huge background in multimedia is a fantastic advantage; I know how to make your property look its absolute best and reach a very broad audience. The more ‘hype’ we can create over your property, the more likely you are to get absolute top dollar and an appreciative buyer.

“Let’s get rich and find fun ways to give away all of our money!”

This has always been a goal of mine. Even when I was a kid I used to find ways to hide money around and watch the way it would make people smile when they found it. Now I have incorporated this into my real estate business model; the more money I make, the more money I can give away, the more smiles we can bring to our town.

We created The Revolution Group to solidify this give-back business model. We’ll be keeping a blog of our ongoing community give-back endeavors here!

WA license #20123162
OR license #201238419
CA license #02195307